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The Worst Foods and Drinks for Kids' Teeth



I'm determined that things will be different with my kids—though the statistics aren't good. "Six out of ten U.S. children will have tooth decay by the time they go to kindergarten," says Jade Miller, DDS, president of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Brushing and flossing obviously play huge roles in dental health—but did you know that the foods and drinks your child consumes every day also have a big impact on her pearly whites? I asked Dr. Miller for the most common cavity culprits. Some of these may surprise you!

No-Brainer: Caramels and taffy

Surprise: Gummy fruit snacks

Sticky and sugary candy literally clings to the teeth. Though gummy fruit snacks are sometimes mistaken for a healthy snack, the ingredient list reads more like gummy bears—and they're sticky and sweet like candy too. If your child can't brush after eating these sticky foods, rinsing and swishing with water will help a little. But pieces can stay between teeth or trapped in the grooves of teeth for several hours, warns Dr. Miller.

No-Brainer: Soda

Surprise: Sports drinks

Both regular and diet soda is bad for teeth. That's because soda is acidic, so it can actually weaken tooth structure, says Dr. Miller. Most soda has a pH level between 2-3—which is closer to battery acid than to water! Though sports drinks aren't fizzy, they're also highly acidic at a pH of 2.9. Keep in mind: If your child is going to have soda or sports drinks, it's better to consume it at one time instead of sipping for longer periods of time, since repeated exposure to sugar and acids ups the risk of cavities even more. Better yet, stick to water.

No-Brainer: Cookies

Surprise: Crackers

They're not usually sweet, but carb-rich crackers can also promote tooth decay. That's because foods like crackers and cereal start breaking down in the mouth, where bacteria use the sugars to produce acid that can dissolve tooth enamel. Those acids stick around as long as a half hour after the food has been eaten. And the risk for this kind of acid damage is higher if kids nibble on these foods throughout the day (hello, toddlers!).